It takes too much time for my vendor to think to make something that I asked for the cuppies... Since the date dah dekat .. So I don't want to think too much about it.. Bnyk lagi benda yang nak pk.. Selain dari cuppies tuh.. So I decided to change to other thing.. It's cheaper and easier for me.. Kang dari asyik beremail2 tapi tak dpt solve2 jugak.. better carik option lain..
Apa yang aku lalui mgkn kurang dari apa yang kawan aku lalui untuk dia punye wedding,.. Huh mmg horror lah dgr citer dia.. Takut la kan nak hadapi cabaran2 yang datangnya bukan dari kita.. tapi dari kita nye vendor.. We want to do it as perfect as we can.. Not to say perfect la.. Tapi nearly perfect la bg kita.. tapi sang vendor ni ambik mudah jek kadang2.. Smp kawan aku tak nak recommend la tmpt ni dekat kawan2 dia dah.. But last weekend, I went to her wedding reception, it turns out ok!.. Smp aku rasa dia pun tak ingat kot apa masalah yang dia terpaksa hadapi sebelum ni..
Dgn baju wedding tu sendiri tak siap seminggu lagi nak wedding.. And I don't know how akak tu even sempat nak dry cleaning baju tu.. Pastu dia tak puas hati ngan make up kot.. Dhla dtg makeup kan lmbt.. Pastu kawan aku dah siap nangis2 dah.. tapi tak sempat jugak nak baiki make up tu.. gile ko.. Nasibla kawan aku penyabar orgnya.. Dia sampai tahap dah nak dekat2 tu.. dia dah tak kuasa nak pk.. dia ckp apa pun terjadi baju tak siap ke.. dia lalui jek.. Yelah ni wedding keh.. bukan majlis aqiqah ke atau majlis pergi kenduri org.. This is your wedding.. You must want to have the best dress, the most stunning looks... so on so forth..And the most important thing.. She PAYS ok! No matter la sikit ke bnyk.. tetap she deserves to have the best service.
Then masalah2 yang dtgnya dari pejabat agama lagi... Even aku pun tak sangka pejabat agama punya sistem agak menyusahkan.. make me feel aku better berhati2 kalau nak isi apa2 borang kawin.. Bayangkan firstly dia kena isi borang and then kena fotostat tapi kat tmpt tu takde mesin fotostat.. Kena la kuar cari tmpt fotostat.. Then balik kalau ada salah kau isila balik borang tu.. dan cari lagi tmpt fotostat.. Masa terangkan tu dia tak nak terangkan betul2..And dia kena pergi mahkamah syariah sbb ada problem..bila kat mahkamah syariah tu.. rupanya ada bnyk kes penceraian.. rupanya walaupun kita nmpk ramai yang nak bernikah... lagi ramai rupanya org yg nak bercerai.. So betul la kes kes yang org yang nak bercerai dlm tempoh kurang 10 tahun berkahwin.. Wow.. mmg menakutkan.. Jauhkanla.. Semoga dpt aku melalui segala dugaan dan cabaran setelah berkahwin nanti..So berbalik pada cerita tadi.. Setelah melalui semua kepayahan yang takleh handle tu.. Dia akhirnya dah selamat la berkahwin.. even though dia rasa nak rewind je masa pasal kes make up tu.. But apa2 pun.. I wish her Selamat Pengantin Baru and hope she is happy always.. Dan dia telah dpt melalui segala dugaan sebelum berkahwin.. Next thing to do dia kata Insya Allah dia akan melalui susah senang dgn husband dia.. iskk isk terharu..
Monday, November 29, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Surat tawaran as pensyarah
Check pigeonhole and suddenly dpt surat yang sgt besar dari HR.. Alhamdulillah..Dapat jugak akhirnya..Tawaran jawatan dlm perkhidmatan universiti sebagai pensyarah.. But still dalam tempoh percubaan dlm setahun.. Kena buat pembentangan kertas kerja and penerbitan-penerbitan ilmiah.. then barula bole dpt confirm..
Thank you Allah.. I know I have been blessed..
Thank you Allah.. I know I have been blessed..
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
1 month 2 days.
Bila tgk kat engagement ticker kat atas tu rasa terkejut sbb eh camane bole tinggal sebulan lagi nih.. Serius start dah rasa cuak.. Hari tu hairos balik and bring back my rings... I wear it and miracle betul bila i don't have to resize my ring.. Cincin risik mmg dah sah2 muat sbb size 10.. tapi cincin tunang tulah. size 9.. Haha gembiranya but seriously I didn't lose any weight..Weird but I'm grateful huhu.. So happy to see the rings.. Rasa comelsnye la cincin tu.. Of course la everyone pun akan rasa cincin diaorg comels kan..and rasa tak sabarnya nak pakai..
Mom and dad will go to Turkey on 5th.. and be back on 15th.. lagi 10 hari before the day,, Am I worried?.. Yup, super worried.. Haruskah mereka melancong pada ketika2 ini.. So far everything according to plan.. Mom had added unnessesary things for the event.. Selagi ada masa untuk dia berfikir untuk menambah, dia akan menambah.. And dia telah membeli just beg untuk doorgift dekat one of the shopping complex which harga akan berganda2 kalau beli kat situ untuk benda yang aku rasa seriously unnecessary.. Mcm mana la nak berbelanja secara berhemah mcm ni.. Ni belum lagi kawin.. boleh sgt overbudget kalau mcm nih la keadaannya.. Ni yang rasa nak ambik wedding planner yang akan hopefully bole stay within that budget yang dah dipersetujui..
I don't know what will happen on that day.. but I just hope everything will go smoothly.. And tarikh kitaorg kawin dah pun ditetapkan.. sbb dewan pun dah booked.. Bayangkan dewan untuk tahun depan dah penuh especially untuk tarikh2 keramat..Jgn kata dewan.. Taman pun penuh ok.. Berpinar2 dah my eyes when tanya here and there..My mom mmg menentang untuk buat kat umah, kat taman and malam.. Kat umah sbb nanti umah berserabut, kat taman sbb panas, mlm plak sbb takyah la nak menyusahkan org lain..mlm2 org dah penat..But I love taman and especially at nite..Ramai dah org buat mcm tu.. Cantik!!
But since benda tu lmbt lagi so I will tell you guys later about the date..And baru2 ni tanya la PICC just for asking.. and the price is so so so pricy.. Try to guess?.. Nearly rm100 000 sbb food and beverages kena guna sana jugak.. Dia mcm package la kan.. Terus sentap..Takpela still akan cari2 lagi quotation.. and inform it later.
Mom and dad will go to Turkey on 5th.. and be back on 15th.. lagi 10 hari before the day,, Am I worried?.. Yup, super worried.. Haruskah mereka melancong pada ketika2 ini.. So far everything according to plan.. Mom had added unnessesary things for the event.. Selagi ada masa untuk dia berfikir untuk menambah, dia akan menambah.. And dia telah membeli just beg untuk doorgift dekat one of the shopping complex which harga akan berganda2 kalau beli kat situ untuk benda yang aku rasa seriously unnecessary.. Mcm mana la nak berbelanja secara berhemah mcm ni.. Ni belum lagi kawin.. boleh sgt overbudget kalau mcm nih la keadaannya.. Ni yang rasa nak ambik wedding planner yang akan hopefully bole stay within that budget yang dah dipersetujui..
I don't know what will happen on that day.. but I just hope everything will go smoothly.. And tarikh kitaorg kawin dah pun ditetapkan.. sbb dewan pun dah booked.. Bayangkan dewan untuk tahun depan dah penuh especially untuk tarikh2 keramat..Jgn kata dewan.. Taman pun penuh ok.. Berpinar2 dah my eyes when tanya here and there..My mom mmg menentang untuk buat kat umah, kat taman and malam.. Kat umah sbb nanti umah berserabut, kat taman sbb panas, mlm plak sbb takyah la nak menyusahkan org lain..mlm2 org dah penat..But I love taman and especially at nite..Ramai dah org buat mcm tu.. Cantik!!
But since benda tu lmbt lagi so I will tell you guys later about the date..And baru2 ni tanya la PICC just for asking.. and the price is so so so pricy.. Try to guess?.. Nearly rm100 000 sbb food and beverages kena guna sana jugak.. Dia mcm package la kan.. Terus sentap..Takpela still akan cari2 lagi quotation.. and inform it later.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Do the writing yourself.
It's 5 pm.. Time running so fast today... The floor in level 3 seems empty.. due to everyone taking a long break..I was marking the quiz that I gave yesterday.. Not bad for the first attempt.. I am scared actually.. because it is so quiet in here... I love quiet but not too quiet.. Even I can hear the clock ticking and my stomach rumbling huhuh..
I have perform some tests for my first research.. and it doesn't have any significant results.. What am I going to do with it.. How can I concluded the tests.. I will try to make bar chart to notice if there is anything important to prove.. But I did not know whether I will like the result or not..
Sometimes as freshies u don't know how to do certain things. How to get to job done.. efficiently and excellently.. And sometimes there are no one to help too.. But actually that is why they hire you.. So that you can settle your own problem.. getting the job done.. How you do it?.. It's up to you.. Sleepless nite, Googling all nite, reading until you have panda's eyes, who cares? as long as the job is done!
Right now I'm having problem to write papers.. I had wrote some papers back then in my master's but at that time the supervisor will review it for me.. Master is like the internship time.. Someone will back you up.. You don't have to know whether your writing is good or not..People will check it for you.. Now I am on my own.. I have my own research to think, write and review my paper's on my own (Actually I'm too scared to send it to any conference because the fear of rejection). Going to write the abstract is challenging enough.. how do you if abstract is too abstract or too details?
You know what I shouldn't be babbling in here.. Better if I go and googling some of the papers and see samples so that I can write a good paper.. A good source maybe the IEEE or ACM.. Good luck to myself!
I have perform some tests for my first research.. and it doesn't have any significant results.. What am I going to do with it.. How can I concluded the tests.. I will try to make bar chart to notice if there is anything important to prove.. But I did not know whether I will like the result or not..
Sometimes as freshies u don't know how to do certain things. How to get to job done.. efficiently and excellently.. And sometimes there are no one to help too.. But actually that is why they hire you.. So that you can settle your own problem.. getting the job done.. How you do it?.. It's up to you.. Sleepless nite, Googling all nite, reading until you have panda's eyes, who cares? as long as the job is done!
Right now I'm having problem to write papers.. I had wrote some papers back then in my master's but at that time the supervisor will review it for me.. Master is like the internship time.. Someone will back you up.. You don't have to know whether your writing is good or not..People will check it for you.. Now I am on my own.. I have my own research to think, write and review my paper's on my own (Actually I'm too scared to send it to any conference because the fear of rejection). Going to write the abstract is challenging enough.. how do you if abstract is too abstract or too details?
You know what I shouldn't be babbling in here.. Better if I go and googling some of the papers and see samples so that I can write a good paper.. A good source maybe the IEEE or ACM.. Good luck to myself!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
39 days to go
And there it is 39 days to go.. and since preparation telah giat dijalankan lebih awal maka skrg boleh dok2 lepak saje.. Sambil bloghopping dgn begitu bnyk blogger2 yang bride to be or x-bride.. Diaorg ni mmg menyiapkan wedding dgn listing yang begitu details.. Make me amazed.. Something yang I never think of.. And ada yang mmg membuat wedding based on budget yang sgt besar.. And ada yg even do it with a shoe tight budget.. So I love to read both kind of blogs.. And hopefully I will get some ideas..
Hairos has gone back to his hometown today to settle his side's preparation.. And dia kena bring back both of the rings... to check whether masih muat ke tak jari aku ni.. Hampeh.. Still aku tak sabar nak tgk cincin tu.. Since beli hairos dah bawak balik Perak and tak nak kasi aku pegang.. Tak best katanya kalau aku dok pakai hari2.. tgk hari2.. nanti tak suprise la.... Aku cam apakah?.. Boleh suprise ke?..
Bebaru ni bercanggah pendapat with my mom tentang doorgift.. Dia nak pilih yang aku rasa too kiddies.. Aku nak yg lawa..Tapi akhirnya she wins because she pays for it.. uhuk uhuk..Tapi maybe mcm tak cukup jek doorgift tu.. Tgk jelah k.. Sape cepat dia dpt lah ye..But maybe my mom will add it with something else.. We'll see how to settle that..
Then tgh2 dlm kesibukan buat itu dan ini... We may have encounter some issues.. I dont know how we will face it.. And for that I know I need his acceptance and patient... And he gave me this song then..
I live my life for you
I want to be by your side in everything that you do
And if there's only one thing you can believe is true
I live my life for you
I dedicate my life to you, you know that I would die for you
But our love would last forever
And I will always be with you and there is nothing we can't do
As long as we're together
I just can't live without you and I want you to know
I need you like I've never needed anyone before
Sentap? Sgt Sentap jiwa raga I.. Terharu.. Awak.. I really love much
Hairos has gone back to his hometown today to settle his side's preparation.. And dia kena bring back both of the rings... to check whether masih muat ke tak jari aku ni.. Hampeh.. Still aku tak sabar nak tgk cincin tu.. Since beli hairos dah bawak balik Perak and tak nak kasi aku pegang.. Tak best katanya kalau aku dok pakai hari2.. tgk hari2.. nanti tak suprise la.... Aku cam apakah?.. Boleh suprise ke?..
Bebaru ni bercanggah pendapat with my mom tentang doorgift.. Dia nak pilih yang aku rasa too kiddies.. Aku nak yg lawa..Tapi akhirnya she wins because she pays for it.. uhuk uhuk..Tapi maybe mcm tak cukup jek doorgift tu.. Tgk jelah k.. Sape cepat dia dpt lah ye..But maybe my mom will add it with something else.. We'll see how to settle that..
Then tgh2 dlm kesibukan buat itu dan ini... We may have encounter some issues.. I dont know how we will face it.. And for that I know I need his acceptance and patient... And he gave me this song then..
I live my life for you
I want to be by your side in everything that you do
And if there's only one thing you can believe is true
I live my life for you
I dedicate my life to you, you know that I would die for you
But our love would last forever
And I will always be with you and there is nothing we can't do
As long as we're together
I just can't live without you and I want you to know
I need you like I've never needed anyone before
Sentap? Sgt Sentap jiwa raga I.. Terharu.. Awak.. I really love much
Thursday, November 11, 2010
How is the first week of the semester?
Satu minggu pertama telah berlalu.. dan dah pun start bertimbun2 exercise kat atas meja aku.. campur kat email.. Takut rasa nak buka email.. terkejut tgk bnyk sgt dlm inbox... Checking??.. Wait until saturday la.. tak sanggup nak bersengkang otak tgk jawapan diaorg.. Takut nanti *fainted* tgk jawapan.. Hari ni hari yang free yeay! smlm mmg dasyat.. kelas dari kol 10 - 6 ptg.. Budget nak puasa tapi tak takyah la weii.. Silap2 nmpk semua kepala student cam bulat2 yang membentuk donut..Iman senipis kulit bawang.. Like onion slice haha bole gitu..
So smlm I ask the students to answer this question..
Develop an algorithm for the robot /computer to cross the road at the zebra crossing with traffic light.
So firstly the robot must go in front of the road.. Near the sidewalks.. Then the robot scan.. "Oh there is a traffic light".. Then scan the color of the traffic light:
If (traffic light color == red)
then push the button and wait until it goes green
If (traffic light color == green)
then the robot can move
If (traffic light color == yellow)
then the robot should ready to speed up..
And then everybody was laughing.. Typical malaysian robot.. It is so funny and I never thought of this. Usually it was a boring answer.. For example just wait until it turns green and then u can walk.. So the answer this time is different and I can see that they have really good imagination.. They really think of something in details.. Starting from move until u find a sidewalk until the robot scan the button.. Scan the colours.. Haha hilarious..That's why it's great to become a teacher.. Seeing students is one powerful way to make ur day! I have a blast time with them..
Some of them can't wait for their labs.. Keep asking me when we can do our first programming?.. Ok tomorrow is the day when u can make ur first program.. They were like Yeay!!!! Ok.. I never face this situation before haha.. Let see tomorrow how they will work out with python.. Python is one of the programming language..No GUI bebeh..
Ok right now I have to go back and work to check ur exercise *Sweating*
So smlm I ask the students to answer this question..
Develop an algorithm for the robot /computer to cross the road at the zebra crossing with traffic light.
So firstly the robot must go in front of the road.. Near the sidewalks.. Then the robot scan.. "Oh there is a traffic light".. Then scan the color of the traffic light:
If (traffic light color == red)
then push the button and wait until it goes green
If (traffic light color == green)
then the robot can move
If (traffic light color == yellow)
then the robot should ready to speed up..
And then everybody was laughing.. Typical malaysian robot.. It is so funny and I never thought of this. Usually it was a boring answer.. For example just wait until it turns green and then u can walk.. So the answer this time is different and I can see that they have really good imagination.. They really think of something in details.. Starting from move until u find a sidewalk until the robot scan the button.. Scan the colours.. Haha hilarious..That's why it's great to become a teacher.. Seeing students is one powerful way to make ur day! I have a blast time with them..
Some of them can't wait for their labs.. Keep asking me when we can do our first programming?.. Ok tomorrow is the day when u can make ur first program.. They were like Yeay!!!! Ok.. I never face this situation before haha.. Let see tomorrow how they will work out with python.. Python is one of the programming language..No GUI bebeh..
Ok right now I have to go back and work to check ur exercise *Sweating*
Monday, November 8, 2010
Life insurance
Baru jek tadi ada dua orang dtg kat bilik aku untuk mempromosikan insurance nyawa yang dia jual.. Bukanla kerana aku tak minat.. Inilah antara benda yang aku inginkan bila aku dah bekerja tetap nanti.. Bagi aku insurans nyawa ni sgt penting sbb kita tak tau apa yang akan terjadi nanti.. And sepanjang kehidupan aku ni takde sorang yang mampu menerangkan dgn baik apakah sebenarnya insurans nyawa ni and apa term2 yang dia cover.. Sepertinye sgt memahami abg ni pun ckp dia faham kalau aku tak tau sbb aku masih lagi baru dlm dunia pekerjaan.. So setelah dia terangkan of courselah bnyk benda yang aku nak tanya kan.. sbb ada certain2 benda ni dia seolah2 to good to be true.. Oh tapi akhirnya aku faham.. bila dlm bidang insurans of course lah dia pun nak keuntungan.. So ada certain2 percentage dari duit kita yang mgkn akan di burn.. Ada certain2 percentage yang dia akan buat pelaburan jugak. Tapi walaupun mcm tu kita akan dapat servis yang baik jugak.. Contohnya kalau kita kena barah dia akan coverkan untuk kita terus.. so kita tak perlu cari duit or habiskan duit dlm bank yang kita simpan.. Cuma of course la dgn syarat kita belum kena barah lagi.. kalau tak dia pun tak nak ambik sbb mmg confirm la kalau tak abis duit dia untuk hospital.. Sampai mcm ni sekali hah abg tu terangkan.. And bnyk lagi..
Aku bukan tak nak ambik skrg tapi buat masa ni aku masih kontrak lagi.. and tunggula next year after semua expenses dah digunakan untuk benda2 penting dah habis then Insya Allah aku mmg nak ambik.. But I would rather buat dgn guna skim yang ada islamic touch hehe.. Rasa lebih selamat.. Skrg semua org prefer islamic banking.. Benda yang kita rasa halal and diyakini.. Termasukla using credit card ke.. Aku mmg prefer yang islamic punya.. Support islamic product.. Most of orang skrg pun mmg akan cari hbisan2 tentang food yang halal, and produk yang halal.. Ramai org dah buka mata tentang islamic thingy.. So dari sudut pandangan aku aku of course mahukan produk yang memberi rasa selamat dan diyakini.. Bila aku ckp kat abg tu.. Dia mcm tak cover part takaful.. Dia cuma buat etiqa maybank. Tapi aku ckp kalau nak aku beli aku lebih prefer takaful punya la kan.. So dia ckp dia akan cuba buat plan mcm mana yang aku nak and kitaorg akan duduk discuss balik.. So tgkla Insya Allah by next year I would like to have a life insurance
Aku bukan tak nak ambik skrg tapi buat masa ni aku masih kontrak lagi.. and tunggula next year after semua expenses dah digunakan untuk benda2 penting dah habis then Insya Allah aku mmg nak ambik.. But I would rather buat dgn guna skim yang ada islamic touch hehe.. Rasa lebih selamat.. Skrg semua org prefer islamic banking.. Benda yang kita rasa halal and diyakini.. Termasukla using credit card ke.. Aku mmg prefer yang islamic punya.. Support islamic product.. Most of orang skrg pun mmg akan cari hbisan2 tentang food yang halal, and produk yang halal.. Ramai org dah buka mata tentang islamic thingy.. So dari sudut pandangan aku aku of course mahukan produk yang memberi rasa selamat dan diyakini.. Bila aku ckp kat abg tu.. Dia mcm tak cover part takaful.. Dia cuma buat etiqa maybank. Tapi aku ckp kalau nak aku beli aku lebih prefer takaful punya la kan.. So dia ckp dia akan cuba buat plan mcm mana yang aku nak and kitaorg akan duduk discuss balik.. So tgkla Insya Allah by next year I would like to have a life insurance
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Proses Memburu hantaran
Huh my mom was so excited that I'm getting engaged.. She even renovating certain things in my house.. Make my room a mess.. Still, let her be as long as she's happy..
Yesterday I went to Sogo because they are certain hantaran that I still haven't bought.. And disebabkan gaji pun baru gak la dpt.. and ada masa lebih baik pergi jek.. Both of us mmg never ever drive to KL sendiri jadi ktaorg terpaksala menggunakan khidmat GARMIN.. Kalau tak mmg tak kuasa nak berjam free2 kat KL tu.. Kalau sesat pun tak kisah lantak ko la nak recalculating berapa bnyk kali pun.. Padahal aku ni dh berapa lama dok bangi.. Since 2002.. Tapi tak pnah nak amik tahu nak g kl tu mcm mana.. Naik LRT ble lah.. huhu..
So sampai2 kat Sogo nak parking pun mmg jem giler.. Tension.. mmg after this bersumpah kita naik LRT jelah.. Then pergilah pusing2 kat men's area.. Let Hairos decide apa dia nak.. Mmg lama gak la bf aku ni memilih.. Tapi dia gak yang nak pakai.. So aku biar dia pilih sendiri and puas hati.. And akhirnya, wallet, belt and beg kunci.. Harga? Exceeding budget... Haha.. takpela.. Once in a lifetime..
Nak balik tu bermasalah jugk la sbb this is the first time kitaorg park kereta so firstly tak tau nak bayar kat mana.. autopay ke kat kaunter bila nak kuar.. Then nmpk la signboard suruh bayar kat kaunter.. Nasib baik nmpk kalau tak dok buang masa jek merayau..Pastu masalah kedua kitaorg tak ingat kat mana parking.. Punya la berpusing2 last pk2 balik.. nasib baik jumpa.. Rupanya kat tingkat bawah sogo tu bnyk lagi parking.. After this dah tau dah haha..Mmg clumsy giler..
Balik2 tak balik umah lagi.. Pergi pasar malam plak.. Jalan pusing semua tmpt.. Takde nak cari apa pun.. Saje nak melepak.. Balik boom pengsan. sbb penat.. Then rupanya smlm it's my brother's birthday!!! haha,, suka ko ek dpt kek..
Dah makin bulat seh abg aku ni.. Anyway Happy bufday untuk ko from kitaorg sekeluarga huhu.. So akhirnya dpt makan kek strawberry yang enak tu ramai2 semalam..
Yesterday I went to Sogo because they are certain hantaran that I still haven't bought.. And disebabkan gaji pun baru gak la dpt.. and ada masa lebih baik pergi jek.. Both of us mmg never ever drive to KL sendiri jadi ktaorg terpaksala menggunakan khidmat GARMIN.. Kalau tak mmg tak kuasa nak berjam free2 kat KL tu.. Kalau sesat pun tak kisah lantak ko la nak recalculating berapa bnyk kali pun.. Padahal aku ni dh berapa lama dok bangi.. Since 2002.. Tapi tak pnah nak amik tahu nak g kl tu mcm mana.. Naik LRT ble lah.. huhu..
So sampai2 kat Sogo nak parking pun mmg jem giler.. Tension.. mmg after this bersumpah kita naik LRT jelah.. Then pergilah pusing2 kat men's area.. Let Hairos decide apa dia nak.. Mmg lama gak la bf aku ni memilih.. Tapi dia gak yang nak pakai.. So aku biar dia pilih sendiri and puas hati.. And akhirnya, wallet, belt and beg kunci.. Harga? Exceeding budget... Haha.. takpela.. Once in a lifetime..
Nak balik tu bermasalah jugk la sbb this is the first time kitaorg park kereta so firstly tak tau nak bayar kat mana.. autopay ke kat kaunter bila nak kuar.. Then nmpk la signboard suruh bayar kat kaunter.. Nasib baik nmpk kalau tak dok buang masa jek merayau..Pastu masalah kedua kitaorg tak ingat kat mana parking.. Punya la berpusing2 last pk2 balik.. nasib baik jumpa.. Rupanya kat tingkat bawah sogo tu bnyk lagi parking.. After this dah tau dah haha..Mmg clumsy giler..
Balik2 tak balik umah lagi.. Pergi pasar malam plak.. Jalan pusing semua tmpt.. Takde nak cari apa pun.. Saje nak melepak.. Balik boom pengsan. sbb penat.. Then rupanya smlm it's my brother's birthday!!! haha,, suka ko ek dpt kek..
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Amir's birthday |
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Best day
I have to teach the students that are going to fly to oversea for this semester and I havent get a chance to meet them individually.. And after meeting them today whoaaa they are so different.. They are active, super bright and really love to express their thought and opinion.. This is like a new experience to me.. Well, I guess it's a good experience after all. Perhaps I will learn something from them as they also learn something from me.. At a very young age, they already trying to do C and C++ and they even know about cryptography, md5 hash..
They also bring their laptop in the lecture hall.. but they are not using it for entertainment only. If I was explaining on historical of computer science, they will trying to find more information about the topics.. Sometimes they were not agree with the contents; they will say it and justify the reason.. Which is cool because it's challenging.. It open up my mind..
and today is holiday.. they were going to the book fair!! cool huh.. Who wants to go to the bookfair on holiday?.. But they are all super nice, humble and very cooperative.. I will certainly know that I will miss them after they fly..
So all of my students take this as a challenge.. You should not take it easy when it comes to learning.. Find information that is around u all of the time and don't just study because you want to get Perfect A.. Study because u want to fill up your knowledge.. I love you guys so much..
For the second best thing that happen to me today is my student status..
They also bring their laptop in the lecture hall.. but they are not using it for entertainment only. If I was explaining on historical of computer science, they will trying to find more information about the topics.. Sometimes they were not agree with the contents; they will say it and justify the reason.. Which is cool because it's challenging.. It open up my mind..
and today is holiday.. they were going to the book fair!! cool huh.. Who wants to go to the bookfair on holiday?.. But they are all super nice, humble and very cooperative.. I will certainly know that I will miss them after they fly..
So all of my students take this as a challenge.. You should not take it easy when it comes to learning.. Find information that is around u all of the time and don't just study because you want to get Perfect A.. Study because u want to fill up your knowledge.. I love you guys so much..
For the second best thing that happen to me today is my student status..
September 2011.. Insya Allah will be my convocation day.. Just got the senate letter today..
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Next step after saving the date!
My mom had forced me to buy a bedsheet and of course it doesn't occur in my mind to buy bedsheet. I mean, what for?.. No one will come into my room anyway.. But after seeing the bedsheet that day, I may have change my mind.. haha.. and akhirnya I bought a bedsheet, 4 pillows, 2 extra pillow case, doormat, and a few things to make my room looks cute i think!.. And of course all of that is the combination of white and purple.. But when we got home and put on the bedsheet I want to start to cry because suddenly I felt that the bedsheet is not sooo cute as I thought it would be... wuwuwuwuwu.. sedih.. I am nearly going overbudget and I am kind regret.. takpela guna jelah.. Nanti korang tgk jelah bedsheet aku yang tak cute tu bg mereka yang dtg la kan.,..
And it left lagi sebulan lebih.. tapi mcm tak kisah lagi.. sbb rasa lambat jo lagi.. Tapi dah start remind all my vendor apa yang patut.. tapi diaorg ni mmg bnyk menyepikan diri and make me nervous.. I just pray and hope it would turn out as I expect it to be.. Kalau tak bole tukar jadi pink bila geram.. Sorang je vendor yang sgt effective selalu hantar email saying apa yang diaorg akan buat.. siap dah hantar quotation and make me happy :).. Lagipun dia mmg akan buat one of important component dlm event tu so I really can count on him!.. Yang sorang ni plak.. dah bgtau apa nak buat tapi dia tak reply2.. so then dia kata takleh buat mcm yang nak.. then when I ask his suggestion tak reply jugak.. Haiyohhh abg jgn buat saya mcm ni bang.. kang jadi lain kang bole hangin saya camni.. One of my friend lagi dasyat.. She will get married end of this month but dia suruh tailor tu jahit baju dia dari bulan 1 tapi tailor tu bole ckp lagi 2 minggu sebelum event baru bole siapkn.. tak ke haru.. dah la dia tak puas hati dgn baju tunang dia.. Kot ye pun sibuk kalau takleh tu ckp la takleh awal2 kan..
So it's ok I will worry about that on 1st December nanti jek.. As for my events I think luckily book awal.. sbbnya skrg bila nak buat additional things mostly tak ambik dah.. because they are all so busy on 25th dec.. Mmg clash dgn ramai org kawin.. Semua nak buat tarikh tu.. Even one of my sedara jauh pun married on that day.. Better most of my family and sedara mara jgn berpaling tadah eh?.. takleh2... I booked u guys dah lama eh. Pastu cameraman pun takleh dtg sbb husband dia ada hal. But it will be replaced by my uncle and my sister.. She just bought a new handycam and hasil dia pun not so bad.. And tetiba smlm she asked me "Bila ko tunang eh angah".. Aku cam peh.. aku ni kakak kau weh.. kau ble tak tau bila kan?.. Nak terluka ke tak nak..
And it left lagi sebulan lebih.. tapi mcm tak kisah lagi.. sbb rasa lambat jo lagi.. Tapi dah start remind all my vendor apa yang patut.. tapi diaorg ni mmg bnyk menyepikan diri and make me nervous.. I just pray and hope it would turn out as I expect it to be.. Kalau tak bole tukar jadi pink bila geram.. Sorang je vendor yang sgt effective selalu hantar email saying apa yang diaorg akan buat.. siap dah hantar quotation and make me happy :).. Lagipun dia mmg akan buat one of important component dlm event tu so I really can count on him!.. Yang sorang ni plak.. dah bgtau apa nak buat tapi dia tak reply2.. so then dia kata takleh buat mcm yang nak.. then when I ask his suggestion tak reply jugak.. Haiyohhh abg jgn buat saya mcm ni bang.. kang jadi lain kang bole hangin saya camni.. One of my friend lagi dasyat.. She will get married end of this month but dia suruh tailor tu jahit baju dia dari bulan 1 tapi tailor tu bole ckp lagi 2 minggu sebelum event baru bole siapkn.. tak ke haru.. dah la dia tak puas hati dgn baju tunang dia.. Kot ye pun sibuk kalau takleh tu ckp la takleh awal2 kan..
So it's ok I will worry about that on 1st December nanti jek.. As for my events I think luckily book awal.. sbbnya skrg bila nak buat additional things mostly tak ambik dah.. because they are all so busy on 25th dec.. Mmg clash dgn ramai org kawin.. Semua nak buat tarikh tu.. Even one of my sedara jauh pun married on that day.. Better most of my family and sedara mara jgn berpaling tadah eh?.. takleh2... I booked u guys dah lama eh. Pastu cameraman pun takleh dtg sbb husband dia ada hal. But it will be replaced by my uncle and my sister.. She just bought a new handycam and hasil dia pun not so bad.. And tetiba smlm she asked me "Bila ko tunang eh angah".. Aku cam peh.. aku ni kakak kau weh.. kau ble tak tau bila kan?.. Nak terluka ke tak nak..
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